What makes a good salesperson? Is it sales figures? Or number of calls made? Actually, I think it’s trust and let me explain why.
Here’s some tips for ensuring that you get the best out of working from home as a sales professional.
Plan your sales day to include researching and preparing for both today and tomorrow. Ensure that you have a specific number of qualified sales leads ready to call from first thing each morning. Here’s a 10-point list of criteria for qualifying sales leads:
“We’ve got a readership of 5,500 on a monthly basis who will see your advert – do you want a quarter page or a half page?”
“We’re expecting over 7000 visitors over the 3 days of the show and you’ll be joining the 250 exhibitors who’ve already signed up – how many square metres do you want?”
I am often asked this question and I think it should be changed to “what does an effective sales team sound like?” That’s easier to answer. I’m in a sales office at 08:00 in the morning and it’s noisy. Sales executives are making sales calls, they’re on headsets and waving arms in the air as they walk around.
Others are enthusiastically planning the morning’s calls and discussing the goals for today. Another group are reviewing yesterday’s objections and how they intend to respond. I can hear the usual banter, gossip and jokes mixed in with professional sales conversations. I can feel motivation and self-belief in the air and hear loud applause when sales figures are marked up on the whiteboard.